How did a breast cancer foundation get involved with abortion? They are pretty separate issues. Sure, they both involve women's health, but after that... What on earth do they have to do with each other?
But Komen For the Cure is a Republican organization. They hired a strongly anti-abortion woman to be a Vice President, and that woman decided that she wasn't going to give Planned Parenthood money for breast cancer screenings anymore because abortion is another, separate thing that Planned Parenthood does. Um, okay...
I know they've reversed their decision. But I don't care. The anti-abortion movement is made up of bullies. It supports murderers. I don't care what their beliefs are, they are bullies. They may as well be rapists in the Congo, they are on the same spectrum. And for the leaders of such an enormous organization to decide to kowtow to a small, fringe, group of murderous bullies about something that has absolutely nothing to do with their organization's mission? Well, that's really, really poor judgment.
I really should support their decision-reversing, but I can't. It's not okay for Komen to act so ridiculously on an issue that has nothing to do with them.
If they want to help poor women get breast cancer screenings, why don't they set up their own network of clinics and offices featuring armed guards because of anti-abortion bullying fanatics? Oh wait, they haven't had to because Planned Parenthood takes on all of that risk for them.
People who volunteer and work at Planned Parenthood risk their lives every day to provide contraceptives, cervical and breast cancer screenings, STD screenings and treatment, AND prenatad care to women who are poor, or young, or raped or, the list goes on and on. Komen for the Cure through their towel in with the people who attack those who actually help others. There is no going back. You chose murderous bullies, Komen. You made your decision.
I am moved by the support Planned Parenthood has seen in the wake of this. F*ck pink ribbon movements. Let's actually go out and cure some cancer.