Sunday, September 12, 2010

Stop it with the mosque controversy already

I am going to join the blogosphere on this one.

Could everyone just stop being so hypocritical about the Constitution and SHUT UP about this mosque already? Build the damn thing and move on. Freedom of religion on private property is a cherished American right and that religion is any damn religion that decides to exist. Stupid as they all may be. Yes, I said that.

A lot of people agree with me, they simply do not happen to scream as loudly or make for as good of news copy as the so-called "right" wing (i think i am going to start calling them the "wrong" wing. Why should they get away with that bit of PR brilliance anyway?) And, when have the likes of Jerry Falwell and grandstanding ultra-conservative ministers been proven "right" about anything? ANYthing?

Enough of a tirade for today. I am on the road again, with the boy. We drove away from anxiety into freedom. September 11 came and went and we were in Minneapolis where the grief is, of course, a little more muted. It was a gorgeous day too. The event deserves real commemoration, of course. But nearly ten years on, many are going to forget. Just as all war events become forgotten paragraphs in history textbooks. How many of us contemplate the horrible tragedies of the War of 1812? How many of us even know that the Star-Spangled banner was written then? I am sure the widows of those young American and British soldiers were pretty upset about it at the time.

They have a right to the mosque and this country purportedly stands for religious freedom. For you non-New Yorkers, envision the number of cabbies and street vendors trying to say their prayers on the street downtown at noon. Not a one of these men has done any American any wrong -- if you can forgive serving over-greasy schwarma, They could use a house of worship (i suppose). The mosque is not on, at, facing, or even within a block of the World Trade Center site. Save your ire for a real crime.

Who trumped up this controversy in the first place?

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