Hello! This is from the X Iniative's blowout, "BYOA: Bring Your Own Art Show" last week. I showed up and taped this lovely print to the wall, it's 20x24 inches. For such a huge, open show (and a great idea!), the event really was very well-behaved. I hope that's a good thing. Maybe it's better to have a world that celebrates gentleness over brashness, focusing on beauty and love rather than shocking the hell out of everyone. Besides, who's thought of something really shocking lately anyway? I think the right wing have a monopoly on that. Dealing with their outraged, without being outraged yourself, might be the basis for a good piece.
Here is what some others have to say about the show:
I've been struggling to figure out what exactly I'd make this blog about. I have hardly mentioned its existence, although I can see that some dear people are actually taking some time to read it. Please feel free to weigh in on what YOU think I should write about. My unclear direction certainly contributes to my erratic maintenance.
I lead a varied, and maybe not strange, but certainly inconsistent, life. I am very focused on, but very, ahhh, dissatisfied with my work. I strive every day to become a better person and a better artist. I seek to contribute to the world.
And the world is a big, noisy place, filled with a lot of things. I do not seem to have evolved into the kind of person who can shout more loudly than everyone, a la some people. I have made it to "a certain age" and not gotten famous. So now what? Do I quit? Or do I listen to Jerry Saltz? That story tomorrow...
For now, listen to David Lynch on meditation! So cool!
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