© 2011 bridget batch
Gourmet cupcakes have made it to central Oregon, with the help of Sam's Sweet Addictions. And how do I know this? Because I asked the staff at our hotel how I could get Kevin some cupcakes for his birthday. I wanted to have them delivered but we are being lodged at the Eagle Crest Resort which is not close to anything. The town nearest is really small, Redmond, Oregon, which, rumor has, used to boast the least safe airport landing system in the country. This is actually surprising information because Bend/Redmond is a pretty nice area filled with wealthy people and second homes. Having flown in there twice in the last year, flying out tomorrow, I am happy to know that the electrical system is now A-OK.
However, the same person working in guest services who recommended the cupcake place to me also volunteered to pick them up for me. I hesitated. There is no reason to have strangers go out of her way to get me some cupcakes. That's really nice and all but seriously seems unfair. After considering for a bit, I also realized that she would get some cupcakes out of the deal. Custom orders run a dozen minimum, and no way do Kevin and I need to consume one dozen vanilla, buttercream-frosted cupcakes. It was very, very sweet of her to do this.
They arrived right after breakfast and the only practical thing to do was just go for it. I didn't manage to make the most elegant surprise presentation happen, maybe in another universe I could do that (what come home from a shoot and have multiple friends waiting, fly them all out? Hmmm.... that would be fun). But the good people of Eagle Creek gave me a plate and matches for the candles. I marched them down the hall and really surprised Kevin. He had such a funny look on his face.
Happy Birthday Baby!
(Less than one week ago, London, then straight to Alabama. We left both places just in time... One day in Brooklyn, then Oregon. Tomorrow, Cincinnati.)
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